Basic Fundamentals of JavaScript 1

1st Day                                                                                              


  • Hey Guys Welcome to my 1st day Blog writing, I'm last year student from Shiva ji University, Kolhapur. This post has been posted for beginners and professionals both and new post will have to be updated on Every Saturday & Sunday.

                                            See the source image

  • You Know ,Why the HTML require to learn JavaScript?

  • Let's go for the some brief introduction of JavaScript before the above Question.

  • JavaScript Introduction  

  •  JavaScript is an object-based scripting language which is lightweight and cross-platform.
  • It was introduced in the year 1995 for adding programs to the webpages in the Netscape Navigator browser. 
  • It is a case-sensitive language, for e.g.- ABC & ABc both are different variable. 
  • JavaScript has no connectivity with Java programming language. 


  •  You must have the basic knowledge of HTML ,because of that except between <script> </script> tags codes otherwise each and every lines belonging to HTML. which has mentioned below . 
  • For e.g.
  • <!Doctype>
  • <html>
  • <body>
  • <b>This is a first program</b>
  • <script>
  • var x=10; //numeric
  • x++;
  • alert(x);
  • var x="Hello"; // string
  • alert(x);
  • </script>
  • </body>
  • </html>


Explanation: Guys, JS code is existing between tags and html code is in html body.
If You are thinking about what is alert?
It's nothing but alert is used to display an alert box with a specified message.
When it reads x as 10 it infers it as numeric type
and when it reads "JavaScript" it infers it as a string and finally outputs as 10 and JavaScript.

                             Attention reader! Don’t stop learning now
                                                 Thank You....