Data Type and Prototype 3.1

 3rd Day                                                                                                                                See the source image

      Hey Guys welcome once again in  3rd day of my blog writing.

      Q. Hey Guys, How is the JavaScript Dynamic Language? 

     A .The same variable values change at runtime is known as Dynamic Language. So in                                   given below example values of x is changing at run time .For Example:  


      Note 1: Three different datatypes mentioned above example.

      1. Numeric Data Type, 2.String Data Type, 3. Boolean Data Type. 

      We have applied these three data types values in a single variable x and its result its given below .

      Note 2: Using typeof () function we can find datatype of variable.

                 For Var x=0;



      JavaScript engine adds a prototype property inside a function, Prototype property 
      is basically an object (also known as Prototype object), where we can attach 
      methods and properties in a prototype object. For Example

                                                      Thank You...


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