BootStrapping Angular cycle

 16th Day               

Hey Guys, I hope that you are enjoying with my blogs writing and in previous blog we have created a project and used ngModel and Directives and  today's we will see concepts of Bootstrapping Angular Cycle so let's see Introduction .

Angular is a binding framework that is used to create web application. Angular uses typescript to write our business logic and method but browser does not understand typescript. The browser understand JavaScript . so that's why Angular CLI  come into picture. 

Angular CLI is a command-line interface tool that use to initialize, develop, scaffold and maintain Angular application directly from a command shell.  It help us to create projects easily and quickly.      


Work of BootSrapping

  • As we know that about view , model and component. 
  • View i.e.  app.component.html
  • model i.e. app.model.ts
  • Component i.e. app.component.ts
  • Module i.e. app.module.ts
  • index.html: This is the first file which will run and this file run to main.ts and it is run to Module.
  • i.e. first will run index.html->it will run to main.ts-> it will run to module.

  • platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule)
      .catch(err => console.error(err));
  • In main.ts, These above code run the module.

It is Called Decorator.
  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]// Which will invoked first it has mentioned in bootstrap.
export class AppModule { }

  • In this Bootstrap , AppComponent will invoked first. 
  • export class AppModule{} it is very simple TypeScript class
  • View and Component ,connected with template url. which is mentioned in below component.
  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  //its ment to specify the html
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
  //its ment to specify the html
  • In index.html has "<app-root></app-root>" is called selector.Gets loded into view.

Button Click And Grid: We have button and patient object, we want to add in internal collection and it should be display in table 

Its Input has mentioned in previous block click here


                          Must refer this videos for more details:

                                                 Thank You...!

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