9th Day                                                                             

Hey Guys, I hope that you are also enjoying with my blogs and today's we will study about :  



    • Syntax:  Var [identifier]:[type-annotation]=value;
    • For Example: we can write like
    • var name:string = ”Raushan”
    • var name:string; //The variable is a string variable
    • var name = ”Raushan” //The variable’s type is inferred from the data type.
    • var name;   // Its value is set to undefined by default

               CREATING CLASS:
    • Class is  blueprint for creating objects as well as custom data type.
    • Syntax : Class Class_Name { // Class Scope }
    • For Example: Class Customer{
                                                 // Customer is a Class Name

                CREATING OBJECT

    • To create an instance of the class, use the new keyword.
    • Syntax ::Var object_name = new class_name([argument])
    • For Example:                                                                                                                                             
    • With the help of Cust1.name="Raushan"; we use this instance.
                   EXPORT AND IMPORT                                                                                   
                  We have created a file of TypeScript in Vs Code : Customerfile.ts
    • Explanation: Above in given code, we have created class, name Customer.
    • And also created its object like Cust1 & Cust2 .
    • We have also used with the help of Cust1.name="Raushan";
    • Similarly ,Address of this Customer filename has created like:   
             For Importing and Exporting Purpose:
    • We are importing Customerfile: 
    • import { className of Addressfile } from "./Filename of Addressfile"                   
    •  For Example: import{ Address} from "./Addressfile"  like as:

    • For Exporting to Addressfile: export Class Address  like as:
    • In Single Address file, We can have multiple address classes.
    • We have two files which has above mentioned so we will compile it with the help of terminals.
    • First we will compile Addressfile and then Customerfile like as:                     
    • But Suppose in project has more files then instead of use tsc in each file we can make TS CONFIG FILE. Through command: tsc --init     
    • For Example:    
                      tscconfig.jsonfile created successfully.
    • JSON: it means JavaScript object Notation. It is a format which data represeted using curly braces. For Example: for single Purpose 
    • { "name":"Raushan","Address":"Kolhapur"}
    • For more data we can use :[ { "name":"Raushan","Address":"Kolhapur"},           { "name":"Manjhi","Address":"Kolhapur"}]

                          For more Details you can go through this link click here
    • So friend If you have any mistakes in any articles you can send me on my email:1809raushan@gmail.com.

                                                                                Thank You...

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