Hey Guys, I hope that you are enjoying with my blogs writing and today's we will cover some  "SQL SERVER" Concepts.

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system, or RDBMS, developed and marketed by Microsoft.
As a database server, it is a software products with primary function of storing and retrieving data as requested by other software application.
Initial Releases is April 24, 1989;

    Q. Explain what is a Identity column ?
  • Identity Column means its increase the indexing automatically in SQL.
  • For Example: Below has given a table which Id has autoincrement.
    To Implement this Settings go to Column properties -> Indentity Specification->Double click on that->Double click on Is Identity 
  1. Q. Are Nulls allowed in Foreign Keys ?
  • Yes, it can be null or duplicate. foreign key containing null values cannot match the values of a parent key. However, a null foreign key value is always valid, regardless of the value of any of its non-null parts.
  • For Example
    Above has mentioned if we will give null value to foreign key then it will be ok.
     Q. How can we create composite key ?
  • In Database design, a composite key is a candidate key that consist of two or more attributes ( table columns) that together uniquely identify an entity occurrence(table row).
  •  For Example: I have created a table name" tblCustomer2".
  • In that we have taken more than two Primary key which is also known as Composite key.   
    We have taken Id and FirstName as a Primary key.
     Q. How to write a simple SQL with "Where" clause ?
  •  The Where  clause is used to filter records.
  • Its filter those records which fulfil conditions.
  • Syntax:  
          select Column1, Column2..,
          from table_name
          where condition;
  •  Example: select * from tblCustomer1
    This will show whole records of tblCustomer1. 

  • But in case of  Where Clause it gives particular record.

        Note: Its not only used in SELECT statement, its also used in UPDATE, DELETE etc. 
    Q. How to select Specific columns in select?
  •  To write Specific columns in select 
     " select column1,column2 from table name
        where Id;"    
             For Example:

        QWhat is an ALIASES in SQL ?
  • It is often used to make column names more readable.
  • It  is created with As Keyword.
  • Syntax: For Column  
       select column_name AS alias_name
       from table_name;

      For Row
        select column_name(s) 
       from table_name AS alias_name ;

       For Example:

Q. Explain the difference between inner vs left vs right ? 

  • INNER JOIN: INNER JOIN keywords just select records that have matching values in both tables like 
  • Syntax: 
         select column_name(s)

from table1

inner join table2

on table1.column_name=


  • For Example:
 from tblCustomer1 as cust 
         inner join tblAddress1 as address 
 on cust.Id=address.Customer_fk


                • LEFT JOIN: LEFT JOIN keyword returns all records from the left table(table1), and the matching record table from right table.

                 from tblCustomer1 as cust 
                         left join tblAddress1 as address 
                 on cust.Id=address.Customer_fk

                • RIGHT JOIN: RIGHT JOIN keyword returns all records from the right table(table2), and the matching record table from left table.
                 from tblCustomer1 as cust 
                         right join tblAddress1 as address 
                 on cust.Id=address.Customer_fk

                Thank You...

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